Monday, June 15, 2020

Intro to the D.M. Nisson, PhD Person-Centered Planning Success Story

So, what's the big deal? Many colleges are welcoming "autistic" students into their programs, right?

What's different about the story of David M. Nisson, PhD?

Actually, the difference is quite significant!
Autism is on a spectrum, but a lot of people don't realize this. So, most of the college programs are only set up to help "ASD" students who function independently at the mild end of the spectrum (Level 1), and exclude those Level 2 and 3 students with classic autism who require protective supervision.
But, that fact didn't stop me from backing my son's dream, nor did it scare off the boldly open minded team at UC Davis Physics and Astronomy.

Because most parents are unable to locate the resources to do as I did, David is the first American diagnosed by the late Dr. Darold Trefffert with aide-dependent, Level 2-3 "Savant Syndrome Autism" to earn his doctorate in physics from a top ranked United States university. I am Mary Nisson -- the mom who helped him get it done. During the years I spent at David's side while he studied at UC Davis, I recorded this blog. To begin at the beginning, scroll down to 2009 and enjoy reading!  🎓 😊

Curious how our partnership succeeded?

The key was to 

[A] Reduce David's stress level and,

[B] Keep David's genius free to focus on his schoolwork and research, by letting me "sweat the small stuff" (that is often the cause of autistic students dropping out). 

So, while David was a lower division undergrad student at the respected Cosumnes River College (CRC) in Sacramento, California, and later upper division and grad school student at the world-renowned UC Davis Department of Physics and Astronomy (UCD), 


  • provided him basic Protective Supervision from such dangers as cars in parking lots and chemicals in laboratories; 🚗🚗 ⚛️
  • advised and troubleshooted with counselors, professors and other staff in how to accommodate David’s unusual classroom communication and health-related needs; 

These were a few of the supports that I provided so that David was able to produce scientific work good enough to receive scholarships, fellowships and grants to fund his bachelors and masters degrees.  $  🎉

Ready to follow in my footsteps?

As I said earlier, even with the new Self Determination Program and Person Centered Planning, most parents won't be able to follow in my footsteps all the way to the top of "the mountain", but I hope some can at least make it partway. 

Humanity and the planet upon which we depend need us to provide profoundly disabled, IHSS-requiring students an academic curriculum to prep for college so that we can access the potential in every potential scientist’s mind!  🌎 

My books are on the way; in the meantime, head back to the posts in 2009 and start reading. And, please feel free to ask me questions in the "comment" section, or to email me at nisson1 @ outlook dot com.


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